Interpage LobbyByFax Constituent Response Form

Vote NO on Tolls - Stop Tolls in Connecticut!

Thank you for telling Connecticut legislators that you oppose all road tolling within the state of CT!

Please take a few moments to tell lawmakers in Connecticut that you reject Governor Lamont's transparently false choice between tolls and more taxes, and that if the State were to truly dedicate all gas tax revenues towards road projects only there would be no need for tolls or additional revenue for road infrastructure -- the tolls are just more fungible money for the state to spend, and a pretext to increase the overall incidence (amount) of taxation, mainly of CT residents, to pay for past mistakes without properly adressing their root causes and overall poor fiscal policy.

This special Action Alert variant page of the LobbyByFax service will transmit a response, below, to your representatives in the CT Senate and Assembly, and may be modified and customized in your own words to tell elected officials to vote NO on any toll plans or proposals in Connecticut.

LobbyByFax's use of faxes immediately puts a physical letter into the hands of elected and government officials which can't easily be ignored (as e-mailed constituent correspondence often is).

LobbyByFax also monitors the receipt status of each fax and retains proof-of-receipt messages, ensuring that all officials-recipients are aware that your responses are being sent and tallied, and that you expect action and a resolution of the issue.

Vote NO on Connecticut tolls banner with images of Connecticut logo and toll plaza with cars

Citizens and Motorists Against Connecticut Tolling

This page allows both Connecticut residents and out of state motorists to inform the Connecticut Senate and General Assembly that the implementation of tolls on what are currently free roads - paid for by taxpayer money with the implicit promise that they remain free - is a foolish, intrusive, and overly bureaucratic method to raise revenue, and sets a dangerous precedent which other states may follow both as a retaliatory measure and/or an easy means to raise revenue in an era of tight budgets and increasing resource demands.

As the the Senate and Assembly in Hartford have only four (4) fax machines for constituent correspondence and groups the recipient lawmakers by party (a Democratic and a Republican fax line for the Senate, and a similar arrangement in the Assembly (the lower house)), this special alert was created as the LobbyByFax system generally handles the US Congress and state capitols where a specific fax is assigned to a given legislator, which, with only 4 fax lines, would be overkill in this situation.

To send a fax to Hartford in opposition of tolling Connecticut's gas tax supported highways, Connecticut residents may enter their ZIP code as indicated below, and a fax will be sent to their delegation (Senator and Assemblyman) in Hartford.

Out-of-state motorists who are concerned that tolling free highways sets a dangerous precedent and may lead to an escallating "toll war" between states may also use the LobbyByFax service to send a fax to the Transportation Committee leaders; any out of state ZIP code will result in correspondence being directed accordingly.

This page is designed without scripting or any complicated HTML (web) programming to facilitate nearly any browser and in compliance with Interpage's Privacy Policy; if you are still not able to access it or send your response, please contact Interpage with a brief explanation of the error message received and/or other information detailing the problem you are having.

Please enter your ZIP Code:

Please enter your name:

Please enter your postal address (optional):

Please enter your email address (optional):

NOTE: For the address field above, please enter either a postal address and/or e-mail address. Generally, faxes sent without a full name and postal return address or e-mail address will not receive replies from elected officials.

LobbyByFax is aware that many visitors/respondents do not wish to provide a full postal address, and you may provide as much or as little contact information as you are comfortable with, with the knowledge that without adequate information for return correspondence, you obviously may not receive a response from the recipient elected/government official(s). Please review the Interpage/LobbyByFax Privacy Statement for additional details.

Please use the message area below to compose your letter - you are strongly encouraged to write your own message, but feel free to use/edit the sample provided below. When done, please click "Send Message" (below the character counter) to transmit your letter to either your Senator and Assembly representatives (for CT residents) or the Senate and Assembly Transportation Committee members (for out-of-state respondents):

Dear [Automatically placed here based on your ZIP code],
(Your name and additional information (if provided) will appear at the end of the letter.)

You have characters left


Thank you for taking a stand to keep Connecticut's highways toll-free!

Privacy Note: and do not in any way solicit, use, sell, or contact users/guests/respondents with the information provided above (email, fax, or address and name). After a given response has been sent, information submitted by visitors to this site is discarded. We do not in any way support unsolicited commercial e-mail or faxing of any kind, and will never sell or disseminate information submitted here for any such purpose. This site is provided to further communications between elected officials and their constituents and does not operate for commerical purposes.

For additional information on this campaign/petition in opposition to tolling in Connecticut, and other current LBF campaigns, please see the LobbyByFax Current Alerts page.

For additional information, please review the LobbyByFax/Interpage Policies page.

Return to the Interpage Fax Services page.

Other sites opposing tolls in Connecticut (not affiliated with Interpage,, or WirelessNotes; these links are provided for convenience only):

No Tolls CT
No Tolls CT Petition
Yankee Institute Campaign against CT Tolls

Last modified 07/12/2019 /